Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Burj al Arab

The shape for the Burj al Arab is what I have designed my poster around. I love how the building looks however you orientate it. Having the shapes as they are allow the view to view the building differently in each aspect.

I really liked the way the helipad was added to the building, which refers heavily to the way I saw my civilisation to live. Having living above the landscape in futuristic style building which defy gravity in the way that they are viewed and work into the geography.

Abu Dhabi Plaza

The first peice of architecture which I have chosen is the Abu Dhabi Plaza, which is being built in Abu Dhabi. It shows a mix of buildings basically built out of a grid, which then each building in the complex is pulled out of.

I really liked how this building was being presented as a visual peice of architecture. Having the picture looking down at the building through use of an airial perspective gives the viewer a sense of the granduer of the building. Having such a simple plan and diversing it in a way which provokes a real emtion from the viewer is a feat which is accomplished through this picture.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Poster Layout

This is my draft for my final poster! Still a work in progress though. I'm thinking for the blank spaces where I have written landscape background, I might actually have a series of curved lines which I can get cut out with the laser cutting and maybe paint over them in a certain way that they will bring out the lines.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Section Perspectives

I thought I would add these section perspectives as they show alot more detail than the normal perspectives, besides, they look cool!

Final Perspectives

Some perspectives of my final alien house.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Progress Report

These are 2 perspectives showing the work in progress that I have for my Slendoon Final buildings.
Stay tuned for more images!

Slendoon Habitat


Perspective 1
Perspective 2

Floor Plan

These are my first conceptual images of the slendoon buildings.

Barzar Habitat

Floor Plan
Front Section
Side Section

Perspective 1
For this creatures habitat I evisaged a cave like environment with a hive. Granted these drawings are only conceptual, but they allowed me to get a quick gimpse of each creatures habitat before I expanded on them.

This is the cityscape which I envisaged the slenddon would live in - granted, im not the best artist in the world.
Floor plan for a typical slendoon house.

Conceptual sketch of slendoon buildings

Barzar Video


Slendoon Video 1

Behold, the Slendoon in its natural habitat!


The Slendoon are a peaceful race and hold technology greater than anything now known to mankind. They are a pacifist race which only hold the desire to observe nature and live out thier lives without having to deal with the petty desires of other civilizations.
They live high above a planet in platforms designed to have as little impact on the nature around them, but also bring them closer to nature at the same time.


This creature is an unsual one, which has alot in common with the caterpillar. It is cold blooded so most of its body is close to the gound to take advantage of the hot sun.
These creatures live underground un tunnels which they dig through, much like ants.


The Beginzor is the pinnacle of evolution in its habitat. It has the ability to evolve to adapt into its surrounds, whether they are new or old.
This has allowed the creature to survive for so long in such a hostile environment.


This Creature is called Bazaar - for obvious reasons. He has alot in common with our bees as they live in hives within the trees - albeit very big trees.

Banana Bird!

This is bananabird, he obviously has evolved out of the banana tree when he has been mixed with bird DNA. He takes advantage of this fact to hide in banana trees waiting for an unexpecting bird to come along before he pounces.